Blood Harvest (Blood Curse Series Book 12) Read online

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  As if all that had just taken place wasn’t stunning enough, Dario Bratianu stepped forward and extended his hand to Braden, but when Braden reached to take it, his stepdad clasped his wrist instead in a gesture befitting…two warriors. “Behold the house of Jadon,” Dario repeated, “as you take your rightful place among us: May your life be filled with peace, triumph, and purpose. May your path always be blessed.” Then he released Braden’s forearm, clutched his hand, and drew him into a…hug.

  A strong, unabashed, openly demonstrative, intimate…father-son hug.

  As Dario’s strong, muscular arms closed around Braden’s broad shoulders, Braden nestled his head in the crook of the vampire’s neck. “I love you, son,” Dario whispered.

  Braden blinked the moisture away. “Love you too, Dad.”

  They held on a moment longer. Then Conrad stepped forward, and his smile stretched from ear to ear. “Behold the house of Jadon,” he said, before going on to repeat the entire refrain. Then, “Told you so, Braden,” he added, before wrapping both arms around him.

  Braden mussed Conrad’s hair—he couldn’t help it. “I love you, Conny,” he said with a full throat. “And I can’t wait until you come to stay at the brownstone for a while. I hope you’ll stay until Kristina and I are mated, and even after that, you’re welcome at the penthouse.”

  Conrad squeezed him tighter, as if holding on for dear life, and then he finally released his hold and stepped back, still grinning.

  Kristina stepped forward next, although Braden would have called it more of a sashay. Her cute little nose twitched, and her heart-shaped lips curved into a sweet, sly smile. “Behold the house of Jadon,” she said softly, “as you take your rightful place among us: May your life be filled with peace, triumph, and purpose. May your path always be blessed.”

  Was it just his imagination, or did she place a strong, sensual emphasis on the word triumph?

  He swept his eyes along the curve of her neck, over her dainty collarbone, and slowly down to her wrist, where a sleek platinum band, peppered with flawless, brilliant onyx and ruby gemstones, circled her smooth, pale skin. The bracelet he had made for her, a symbol of their love.

  Their love…

  He swallowed hard and reached for courage, but she beat him to it. “Braden,” she said brightly, loud enough for the entire house of Jadon to hear with their superior, vampiric hearing, “I want you to know that from this day forward, I will always be by your side.” She turned toward the congregation and said, “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not brag, it is not arrogant. It does not disrespect others, it is not selfish, it is not quick to anger, and it keeps no record of wrongs.” She took a deep breath. “Love does not get off on hurting others or telling lies but celebrates the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. And so does Braden—he’s all of that and more.” She held up both hands and shrugged her dainty shoulders. “And I have no earthly idea why the celestial gods would’ve chosen someone so good…and so loving…to be with me…forever.” She smiled like the sun, the sky, and a host of white fluffy clouds had just been handed to her on a silver platter, and there was a rainbow shining above her. “But I’ll take it.” She turned, once again, to face Braden. “And I will probably spend the rest of my life trying to learn…trying to be worthy”—he started to object, but she cut him off—“worthy of the living Sword of Jadon.”

  She took both his hands in hers.

  “Bray, I want to say this as clearly as I can, so it leaves no room for doubt. I love you with all my heart, all my soul, and everything that I am: the good, the crazy, and the broken. And I will love you until the day I die. I am so incredibly proud of you, Braden, and it is probably the greatest honor of my life to stand here by your side.”

  He hung his head and shook it slowly from side to side—she was slaying him, right then and there, and he did not want to cry. Hell, he was Vampyr—he had better not cry. “I love you too, Red.” He choked out the words, wishing he had something more poetic to say. “Thank you.”

  She smiled like a ray of sunshine in the sky he had just described, wrapped her arms around his waist, and held him tightly against her heart. “For ever and ever,” she whispered.

  “And ever,” he replied.

  Just then, a fusion of real, true, actual rainbow-colored light refracted off the ornate ceiling above the Hall of Justice, reminiscent of the very first time Braden had laid eyes on Lord Monoceros, right after collecting the badge of trust. The light exploded into thousands of golden fragments, falling like snowflakes, dancing in the air. The fragments radiated outward, coalesced, and came back together in the shape of a flaming sword, and then it bathed Braden in a celestial spotlight, from the tip of the pommel to the point of the blade.

  “Well done, Sword of Jadon!” Lord Monoceros’ voice.

  Then, Carry on in my stead, Prince Jadon’s deep, regal brogue, echoing in Braden’s mind.

  Braden’s heart swelled, then receded, in his chest, and he felt it—he felt him—nestled deep inside. Prince Jadon had always been there, and he was not going away. Braden Amadis Bratianu exchanged a breathless glance with King Napolean Mondragon, and then he tightened his arms around Kristina’s narrow shoulders, holding her…protecting her…trusting her.

  And loving her, right back.


  The Next Morning

  Nestled on top of a soft, downy sheepskin blanket in front of a roaring fire on the floor of Kristina’s apartment, Kristina and Braden watched the sun slowly rise outside the open, floor-to-ceiling balcony doors. As the autumn morning dew settled on the glass panes, Kristina rolled onto her back and rubbed her tired eyes.

  “I meant to ask you something,” she said, her voice sounding hoarse from first-morning vocal cords.

  “Shoot.” Braden rolled onto his stomach and propped his weight on his arms.

  “Last night, at your ceremony…that hug with Dario. How’d that go? I mean, how did that feel? The two of you seemed pretty…close.”

  Braden furrowed his brows. “Yeah, we did, didn’t we? It was surprising…different. He actually grasped my wrist like a warrior, like an equal, and he even told me he loved me.”

  Kristina smiled. “Yeah, I heard that. And you said it back.”

  Braden nodded, then scooted closer to look into Kristina’s eyes. “I dunno; things might still be a little awkward going forward, without Mom around to stand in the gap. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and it’s gonna take a little time for Dario and I to forge a new beginning. But I think we’ll get there…in time. Hope so.”

  Kristina sighed. “I think you will too.” A companionable silence settled between them as Kristina ran her fingers through Braden’s shoulder-length, chestnut-brown hair, stopping to trace the outline of an unusually stark, blond highlight. “It’s a lot to take in, isn’t it? All of this. The last few weeks, your new name and title…Lily…you and me.” She brushed the backs of her fingers along his angular jaw, stopping at the corner of his mouth. “I can still see the grief in your eyes, feel the sorrow in the air, all around us, and I just wish…” She bit her bottom lip. “I just wish there were some way I could carry it for you, but I know that I can’t. And saying I’m sorry—so very sorry—about all that happened…doesn’t really help, does it?”

  Braden forced a paltry smile. “You help more than you know.” He shifted his weight onto a single elbow and entwined his fingers in hers. “Just keep doing what you’re doing.” His smile widened, grew a bit more mischievous, though the merriment didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Keep letting me do the things that I do…with you…to you.” He swept his gaze from her head to her toes, admiring the silk blue negligee.

  Kristina giggled, but she didn’t pursue the passion play.

  Rather, she rolled on her side to face him, and continued to study his stunning, mysterious eyes. “You do know that you have me now, always and forever, through thick and thin.” She paused. “Don’t you

  He cocked his head to the side. “Haven’t I always had you, Red?”

  She nodded, blushing. “Yeah, I guess you have—but not like this. Just wait, you’ll see.”

  “See what?” he pressed her.

  She laughed. “That I may be a lot of crazy, fickle things, but when I love, I love deeply…forever.”

  He drew back just a bit, feigning sudden insult.

  “What!” she demanded.

  He frowned.


  “You still love Dirk?” he teased her.

  She withdrew her hand from his and slapped his forearm. “Oh, shut up…” She rolled her eyes playfully, and then she became more serious: “No, Braden, I don’t still love Dirk. In truth, I don’t think I ever loved Dirk.” She rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling. “That was different. That was something…sordid. Broken.”

  “Yeah,” he said softly. “I get it, and not just from hearing all your stories.” He turned onto his back and lay beside her. “A broken boy, and a broken girl,” he mused aloud.

  “They come together and make a—”

  “Broken couple?” he interjected.

  She sat up abruptly. “I was gonna say, a perfect couple!”

  He laughed. “Is that what we are, Red? A perfect couple?”

  “I don’t know,” she pondered, “but whatever we are, I wouldn’t change it. I think we’re just—”

  “Forever,” he said, completing her sentence.

  She was going to say, meant to be, but she liked forever better. “Yeah,” she said, “exactly. Forever and ever…”

  “And ever.”

  Lying side by side, they both chuckled, and then they instinctively linked fingers.

  As Kristina’s bracelet sparkled in the golden firelight, she couldn’t help but think how far they’d come in such a little time. Well, not really—it had been two years since she had met him and, shortly thereafter, taken him under her wing, so to speak, as her “favorite little brother,” wanting to provide support and comfort while Nachari was lost…and away…the Master Wizard’s body in a coma. It had been twenty months since Napolean Mondragon had decreed that Braden and Kristina were promised to be mated, and the youngling had harassed her mercilessly, trying to stake a claim Kristina had wanted no part of. She laughed inwardly, remembering that perilous day in the meadow, over a year ago in May, when the Silivasi brothers entered Mhier to find and rescue their father—how Braden had demanded a kiss for good luck, and Nachari had made him apologize…for sexual harassment. Braden had only been sixteen at the time, and Kristina had been utterly horrified.

  But these last two and a half weeks?

  Time…and the Millenia Harvest Moon…had moved them forward by epochs.

  “Braden,” she whispered softly. “I really do love you.”

  He reached out an arm to gather her close, but instead of snuggling against his chest, she rolled on top of him, her feet tangling with his. Their eyes met—and locked—in an enchanted moment, and they lingered, drinking each other in.

  And then Kristina lowered her mouth to Braden’s and kissed him with the same passionate fervor she had exhibited on the eve of the Millenia Harvest Moon. Only this time, he did not pull away.

  She wanted him to know.

  She wanted him to feel…everything she felt.

  She wanted to seal the promise.


  Ever…and ever.

  The celestial goddess Cygnus, the Swan, peered down through the cross-shaped cluster of northern stars, this time from her palatial home inside the Veil Nebula, and her golden wings fluttered before folding and receding within her graceful, arched back. She extended an elegant hand to Lord Monoceros, and he took it. “Charming, aren’t they?” she commented. “Braden and Kristina.”

  “Indeed,” Lord Monoceros said, leading her away from the portico and into the grand formal living room.

  “Pity Lord Pegasus wasn’t here to see this.”

  “Mm,” Monoceros murmured, releasing the goddess’ hand. “Well, I imagine he is watching from his home within the Globular Cluster. I imagine he is as pleased—and relieved—as we are.”

  She smiled brightly and bowed her head in the barest hint of a nod. “You did very well, my esteemed, celestial kinsman. I could not have done better myself.”

  “Thank you,” he said, sounding genuinely flattered.

  She glided across the see-through crystal floor and took a seat on the edge of a pearly white chaise, folding her hands in her lap. “Perhaps now we shall get some rest.” She chuckled softly, and her laughter echoed throughout the grand hall like a set of miniature church bells ringing.

  Lord Monoceros took a seat opposite Cygnus, on a matching settee. “But alas, the work of the gods—the sleepless nights and preoccupied days—is never really done.”

  “No, it isn’t,” Cygnus said.

  “I have a feeling the goddess Lyra and our beloved Lord Aquarius will soon take our place in the worry department.”

  Cygnus formed her mouth into an “O” and raised her dark, silver eyebrows. “Have you ever heard of such, Monoceros? A twin Blood Moon!”

  He shook his head. “Nay, I have not. And I imagine Niko Durciak and Jankiel Luzanski have never heard of it either—they won’t see it coming.”

  Cygnus shook her head, revealing both her titillation and her angst. “And what of the girls—sisters, aren’t they?”

  “Aye,” Monoceros replied, “Skye and Sasha Bennet.”

  This time, Cygnus shuddered. “Two Master Wizards. Two Blood Moons. Two unsuspecting human females—and a whole lot of magick.”

  “A whole lot of danger.”

  “Yes.” Cygnus bit the tip of her nail. “The Dark Ones’ Colony is in a bit of disarray, Salvatore Nistor is miffed, to put it mildly, and that’s to say nothing of Oskar Vadovsky.”

  “Or of Achilles Zahora, parading around as Zeus Dragavei,” Monoceros added.

  Cygnus released a pair of dainty fangs and snarled. “Now that was a wicked, dirty sleight of hand.”

  “Indeed,” Monoceros agreed. “Yet and still, it was within the boundaries—”

  “Barely,” Cygnus snarled.

  “True, but as we both know, the rules in life are crystal clear; the rules in death are a bit…less so. We collect the souls on their way to the Valley of Spirit & Light—”

  “And our dark, despicable counterparts collect—and manipulate—the souls on their way to the Valley of Death & Shadows.”

  “So it would appear.”

  Cygnus took a deep, cleansing breath, returning to her previous tranquil nature. “Well, I, for one, shall support dear Lyra in the coming days and nights. It will not be easy to allow her beloved son, Niko, his divine right of free will and self-determination. This game of chance—that blasted Curse—can always go both ways.”

  Lord Monoceros let out a deep, drawn-out breath. “Indeed. And I shall do my best to support Lord Aquarius—advise him, should he seek counsel on behalf of Jankiel. Heaven knows, he is going to need it.”

  Coming Next to the Blood Curse Series:


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  You can also find the author and her works at…

  Books in the Blood Curse Series

  Blood Genesis (prequel)

  Blood Destiny

  Blood Awakening

  Blood Possession

  Blood Shadows

  Blood Redemption

  Blood Father

  Blood Vengeance

  Blood Ecstasy

  Blood Betrayal

  Christmas In Dark Moon Vale

  Blood Web

  Blood Echo

  Blood Harvest

  Blood Magick ~ Coming Next

Also by Tessa Dawn


  Dragons Realm

  Dragons Reign


  Zanaikeyros ~ Son of Dragons

  Axeviathon ~ Son of Dragons


  Daywalker ~ The Beginning


  Do You Have Any Advice for Aspiring Authors?

  (*Free* booklet for readers, who are also aspiring authors)

  A sneak peek from Zanaikeyros

  Son of Dragons

  Before time was a recognized paradigm, seven dragon lords created a parallel primordial world for their glory…and their future offspring. They harnessed seven preternatural powers from seven sacred stones and erected the Temple of Seven beyond the hidden passage of a mystical portal that would lead back and forth between Earth and the Dragons Domain. And finally, they set about creating a race of beings—the Dragyr—that would exist on blood and fire, and they gifted their progeny with unimaginable powers, unearthly beauty, and immortal life.

  For all of this, the dragon lords required only one thing: absolute and unwavering obedience to the Four Principal Laws…

  Thou shalt pledge thy eternal fealty to the sacred Dragons Pantheon.

  Thou shalt serve as a mercenary for the house of thy birth by seeking out and destroying all pagan enemies: whether demons, shadows, or humans.

  Thou shalt feed on the blood and heat of human prey in order to reanimate your fire.

  Thou shalt propagate the species by siring dragyri sons and providing The Pantheon with future warriors. In so doing, thou shalt capture, claim, and render unto thy lords whatsoever human female the gods have selected to become dragyra. And she shall be taken to the sacred Temple of Seven—on the tenth day, following discover—to die as a mortal being, to be reborn as a dragon’s consort, and to forever serve the sacred pantheon.